Saturday, May 31, 2008

9 Dresses

I counted this a few mornings ago when the laundry was all done. KK has 9 dresses hanging in the closet and she can't wait to put them on. She's such a girly girl and I suppose if I asked my mom I was at that age as well. Did I mention those are only the dresses that she keeps here at my place? I am not sure the total at her dad's house.

I have quite a few thoughts floating through my head right now and most of them are not fit for posting. I am right now avoiding my final paper in enterprise architecture because I flat out dislike the teacher and his idea of how much work we should be doing in his class. I am after I finish that paper 25% of the way done with my masters degree. I considered taking the summer off and not signing up for a class but I want to be done and have my life back.


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