Saturday, February 25, 2006

Las Vegas

The roomy is in Las Vegas this weekend. Some other friends were there the weekend before. I have never been to Vegas and don't really see this as a great loss. I can't say that I am much of a gambler because I don't like to lose.

I have finally decided to make some vacation plans of my own. I have been hemming and hawing about it for a while and really can't think of any reason to put it off any longer.

Right so while at the Consortium on Thanksgiving we attempted to call one of our friends that has long since left the area. I am not sure why we seem to think of him each Thanksgiving, but this year when we tried to call his phone had been disconnected. Yes this was a tragedy and a mystery. I decided that I was going to be in his area and I would locate him and much to my surprise I was able to do so, once I finally remembered the name of the company he worked for. I remembered the cool lasers in his office and not really the marquee on the door. I found him and he was on the way to Mexico so he'll write when he's back in the US. He really does have the coolest job.

Note to self - remember to pick up green chili's, tortilla shells and coffee for lost but found friend.


Blogger ***Dave said...

Huzzah for finding the Lost Friend.

3:00 PM  

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