Monday, March 13, 2006

Strange Weather

We seem to be continuing this trend in Colorado this week where it is 50 one day and snowing the next. It makes it very hard to plan what to do when. It also means you never really know how heavy of a jacket to grab.
Many thanks to ***Dave who let me know that thankfully I would not be spending an hour in traffic trying to get to work. In fact the roads were so good that even the Californians and Texans managed to keep their SUV's on the road. If you have never seen one of these two try and drive in the snow and ice it is best done at a distance. It still wasn't as funny as the day I saw a hummer high centered on a hail drift. I so wish I had had some kind of camera for that.
I bundled up KK in her adorable pink snowsuit today. It is very lamb like which is to say it is fuzzy and has cute ears. When I started to take it off her , I noticed that it probably clashed with her cow outfit. Oh well she won't remember years from now and blame me.


Blogger Boulder Dude said...

Ahhh...See, I had the hour long drive this morning. The stupid cops were pulling people over...which caused people to hit their breaks...which caused people to spin out...which caused several accidents right infront of me, and then the sitting waiting for the people in the accidents to pull over to the shoulder. Of course the stupid cops didn't do anything to be halpful/useful...and sat there and continued to write out their ticket as cars were backing up toward Boulder.

Yes, I will be voting against their pay raises once again this year.

9:20 AM  
Blogger DeAnna said...

No, Stan, no! Vote for massive raises for all cops! Vote for massive raises and a mandatory degree in cultural anthropology or something! Bad pay for teachers = only bad teachers will do the work...why would cops be any different? (Not that the reverse is true, but bad pay guarantees you get mostly bastards.)

6:50 PM  

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