Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Game of Sorts

     Name the type of car and describe the driver of the person with the personalize plate of LADYZMN. You win and I'll send you your favorite type of cookies. I'll post the answer tomorrow sometime. Have fun!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm thinking yellow corvette.

Guy: shirt unbuttoned about ONE button tooooo far, sleeves rolled up. Thinning hair, thickening waist.

1:58 PM  
Blogger ktbuffy said...

Red or black convertible, your standard midlife crisis car. Tight shirt and slicked back hair on a guy about a decade too old for either. Bronzed to within an inch of his skin's life. Wearing jewelry.

7:03 PM  
Blogger DeAnna said...

This turned out to be way too much's a kind of amalgam of various ladies' men I have known or observed:

A brown (or black) El Camino with orange-patterned trim on the sides. Rust damage, flaking chrome (if black, this has been covered with spray paint). It never could go all that fast, but that was never the point. Anyone who remarks that you can't get much action in an El Camino is rewarded with a smirk. The gentleman in question is shorter than average, neither slightly nor powerfully built, wears leather sandals (not birkenstocks) for preference, and strikes manly men as somewhat gay. Either he has some kind of piercing (and he likes to make the joke, "Always date men who have their ears pierced. That way you know they know how to deal with pain, and they can pick out jewelry.") or wears a hemp/leather choker, possibly with conch shells or a kokopelli medalion. He has no facial hair, but the hair on his head is somewhat longer than average. If his hair is styled at all, it has been dyed darker than its natural color and has been growing out for some time. He has wide eyes, either blue or green, and smells of somewhat spendy cologne that has been tastefully applied. He has no tattoos, unless he has one with the name of a dead, male relative such as a father, brother, or uncle. He's young, no more than thirty, as young as eighteen. His voice is somewhat strained, as if he spent years trying to make it sound deeper but has given up on it recently. He has a large forehead. He likes to eat barbecued ribs but will try almost anything that you put on his plate. If asked, he can give you a list of supposed aphrodesiacs, the periods in history they were most commonly used, the meanings behing their names, and that many supposed love potions were, in fact, poisonous.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I was having so much fun with this I almost forgot to post the correct answer:

A couple year old PT Cruiser, silver in color. The man in the driver seat was I would guess early 40s. His hair was making a rapid retreat towards the back of his head leaving his widow's peak almost mohawk like. Sandy brown hair and dressed business casual. He was average to a bit below average in the looks department and nothing all that remarkable. He was a bit shorter than average, and I didn't see most of his body. I wouldn't have paid that much attention to him had the license plate not made me look.

De - tell me what kind of cookies you want cause that was damn good.

2:43 PM  

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