Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Universe is Laughing at Me

     Lunch today was amusing. I went with a single girl who then told me I should start dating and told me exactly who at the company she thought I should date. I get back from lunch and get a reminder about a meeting for the new committee I am on. Yes you see where this is going right? The gentleman she has decided I should date sits in the chair next to me.
     I am trying to see how far I can push my luck and see if one can get kicked off the committee. We discussed the company picnic and I have been put in charge of adult activities for said picnic. No, you don't see where this is going - a bunch of pervs you are. I suggested a dunking booth where all senior managers have to sit for 15 minutes on the day of the picnic. Well I said senior management and the idea was expanded as I watched, to include anyone who managed people. I laughed as it was clear who was a manager in the room and who wasn't. I was a bit worried when I got back to my desk and 15 minutes later my manager asked if I was going to be working next week.


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