Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bowling League

It is a really fun time after work. It makes my Monday at work a really long day, but we have so much fun that it is worth it. I did order bowling shoes yesterday morning before work. I had time between when I was ready and when KK decided she'd slept enough. Why is it that she rarely sleeps that long on the weekend, but I digress. Last night I bowled my highest game ever - 172. Yes I know it isn't anywhere near 300 but it's something I have never done before. I will miss being gone the next couple weeks but I found a sweet 12 year old who is going to fill in for me. I am very sorry to miss seeing her bowl.

Oh and now I should really check on softball so that we don't get stuck in the league that is one level above where we should be playing at. If I will spring to be here, will that make it arrive sooner?


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