Friday, August 11, 2006

Not so Aquafresh

Here's more of my morning casa routine then you probably need to know but...

So Kaylee doesn't like to not be able to see me in the morning. She is generally glued to my leg. This presents a problem as I shower in the morning. So I generally leave the bathroom door open at the casa, because she'll be fine as long as I sing to her. ( Yes there is no accounting for taste). This morning she was quiet for too long - A sure sign she is up to something she'd rather I ignored. So mid-shower I open the door and there she is grinning up at me sitting next to the toilet with a sunken tube of Aquafresh in the bottom of the bowl. She looks at me and then at the submarine toothpaste and she giggles. As a parent this is not supposed to be funny, or she will do it again (Giggle Loop Anyone?). So I fish the toothpaste out and throw it in the bottom of the shower with me, and close the lid so that nothing else becomes a submersible toy. Closed the shower door and let the giggle out. -- Fair warning Doyce don't use the Aquafresh!


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