Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One Must Take Time for Pampering

It had been awhile since Margie and I had gone and done pedicures and manicures and we remedied that last night. Now what I should have been doing was packing, cleaning, and doing laundry but one must take time for pampering. I am sure I will pay the price for that because when I got home I got a phone call and talked for awhile and well not so much on the packing, cleaning and doing laundry. Luckily it amuses my friend to hear me being scattered and thinking outloud.

I had forgotten my big suitcase at the casa and started packing the little one for the business trip that my vacation turns into. Sadly my laptop from work isn't ready yet which I guess is a good thing and a bad thing. My company credit card still hasn't come through so the good news is that I won't have to learn to do an expense report quite yet :).

So posting will be scarce and far between as I leave late tonight for NY and then from NY to Georgia and then a few days later back to Colorado. I have a very fun trip in store well except for Tuesday when looking at the agenda we will be in meetings all day.

My beautiful roomie has graciously decided to drop me off and pick me up at the airport. Oh and for those of you wondering about her date the other night -- well he shall be known as poker guy. I'd tell the story but you know it is always more fun to hear her tell them. His story isn't in the top 5 but it is laugh worthy.


Blogger ***Dave said...

I'm glad you guys had a chance to go out and do that. Margie needed it, too. :-)

10:00 AM  

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