Monday, October 30, 2006

Cube Fairy is Funny.

Well last week I got moved to a cube which I think I mentioned is really right in the middle of everything. Now people seem to be getting a kick out of 'doing' things to my cube. This involves dropping things on my desk, tossing them over the cubie wall on their way to the kitchen - dear goodness people it may not look like it to you but this is really organized chaos! - or in the case of the funny cube fairy - placing other people's name tags in my cube. This started last week, and there were about 8 in my cube one morning. I came in this morning and there are 20 name tags in my cube and I laughed....hard. To give you an idea this is about 20% of the company and roughly 40% of the people working on my floor. I'd put them back but it really does amuse me.

My co-worker just looked in my cubicle and said - Good Lord! I am going to be amused all morning. He finds it funny that no one is really even missing their name tags.

So now the question is do I start the morning working on work or on the charity work. Decisions, decisions...


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