Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I shopped for 7 hours?

Yes, yes I did. I am still a bit awed by that. It wasn't my plan for the day. The plan was go to the furniture store and get an idea for what I think I want in my bedroom. That's the one room I plan to make mine right away. Pick it out, sign the papers making the house mine, then go back to the house and make sure the furniture would really work there. Yeah.....not so much. Due to the blizzard last week the mortgage company is behind and thus no closing today for me. So no new house no need to leave the store and I got the whole plan for my bedroom down.

I am supposed to be on a plane to California in the afternoon. So I told the mortgage guy this has to happen early because at noon I am leaving. Did I mention that I have some of the worst luck ever? Guess what - tomorrow night there is another blizzard in Colorado....stop laughing at me because I always brag about how great the weather is here. The irony is not lost on me :)

Timing should be interesting tomorrow. I don't have the final amount I need to bring to closing and apparently I have to bring a cashiers check for the amount. So add to my to do list a bank run for a cashiers check when I have a final number. Now from what I hear, the lady I am buying the house from already signed over the title to me. The closing is in Aurora, then back to the Ranch to pick up KK, and then on to my new place to meet the roomie so she can take us to the airport.

Thank you to the person who called tonight and let me be as snarky as I needed to be in my stressed out state. You sometimes amaze me with your ability to know what I need and when I need it.

Thank you to the person who called and reassured me that everything would be fine because that's how she sees the world. I love that your glass is always half full and I hope some day it will spill over into mine. Thank you to the four of you who knew that I needed a vacation and didn't let me talk myself out of it.

Thank you to my old friends from college while we don't always see eye to eye we will have each other's backs. I can't really walk on water but to hear them tell it I could if I just believed it enough. I miss college, it was the best time of my life. The people on 2nd Mick will always make me smile just thinking about them. I got nothing but love for them.

Thank you to the people who read this page and give me a place to put my thoughts. Thank you to everyone who considers me a friend.


Blogger ***Dave said...

Thank *you*.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for letting me help out a tiny bit on that hectic day -- and congrats on getting the house all signed over!

5:51 PM  

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