Sunday, June 04, 2006


     I remember now that I am a country girl at heart. I am still hoping for some rain on this trip so I can smell the earth, but when that is failing there's always ATV'ing to be done. Dad got a new one and um... wow it's fast and powerful. The trails are not as well defined or as long as they used to be. They built in another dirt road to make getting to town easier and it took up some of the prime area. They built in a public boat ramp on land that used to be private, but the owner passed and his kids wanted to make some money. The river is still quite impressive but not like it was when I was growing up. I'll miss some of the memories of the way it was.
      The farmer my parents lease the land to wouldn't have been to pleased if I had played on my parents land because well his crops are planted there. I thought about taking the narrow trail down to the timberline but decided it was best to let his stuff be. I had forgotten how much fun it is to just be surrounded by air and the wind in your face. Note to self: Next time pull hair back into ponytail and zip the jacket up so no skin is exposed as bugs exist here and thump against you hard and on bare skin it stings at 40 MPH.


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