Sunday, January 07, 2007

House, Vacation and Various Tid Bits.

As I am sure most of you read ***Dave's blog about my adventure in buying my house. I was supposed to close on the 27th and have a bit of time to move in some things, then fly out to Cali on the 28th. Yeah best laid plans and all that. I ended up at the title company at 10:55 and by 11:10 they had not come into the room yet. I went out and made the announcement that if I wasn't done signing papers by 11:50 I would be done signing them and walk out. It was already snowing at this point it started somewhere around 9:30. Apparently they took me seriously because within two minutes someone came in with a ton of papers for me to sign.

I was really happy to be flying United and despite them losing my bags in Omaha on a direct flight last time I flew them round trip. I have little to complain about in regards to them. I showed up at the airport 2 hours before my flight and actually made it so I was quite pleased. I am sure that is who we will fly on the fun work trip to Buffalo in February. Stop laughing. I get the fun trips - Atlanta in August, Buffalo in February.

I spent almost a week in California but it really didn't seem like that long. The Consortium has the right of it when they say it ( California) is like fairy where time is just different out there. I love Margie's parents house. I could stay there with them a long time happily. I mean there's a pool in the yard - what else could you ask for? I did however gain far too much weight out there but I don't expect it to stay on long. The flight home was wonderful as I was upgraded to a seat with more leg room and KK feel asleep on my lap a half hour into the flight and was sleeping until we landed. She is talking and is becoming quite understandable. One of her first clear phrases - It's cool mom. This said as she was playing on the stairs.

I am still moving in to my new place, but Huzzah! I have my internet connection now. Cable modem good. I haven't had much time to play with it today but it is here. Tomorrow there are 6 pieces of furniture being delivered and I am quite excited well as excited as one can be while also being utterly exhausted.

The roomie has been fantastic throughout all of this. Yesterday she helped me move the futon and a few other things in and today she was assembly girl. She got pretty ticked off at the bookshelves in KK's room and told me I was taking her somewhere nice for lunch. The Big Brother I Never Wanted brought his truck and we got my mattress and springs, and in another trip my desk loaded and moved into the new place. He got a beer because he had a date for dinner.

I took the roomie to the Melting Pot where we had a riot. We sat in the new seating section which has some fantastic table tops and was really quite private. Here's a new one for me - the waiter asks what I do for a living - I tell him and his eyes glaze over - roomie translates to 'she works with computers'. He prompted tells me he has a virus. I laughed. I laughed loud and hard not at him but just because when does a man ever say something like that? We had a great time and part of our fun was calling him a different wrong name each time he came to the table. He decided to start calling her Shelly and me Jennifer. We were having such a good time that other waiters started to come to our table to chat. Yeah sometimes I want to kick 'Shelly' for how pretty she is, but it was just a nice change from Friday when twice we were mistaken for a 'couple'.



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