Friday, February 09, 2007


It's no secret that I do a bit of traveling every year. I have never had to make a connection in NYC. That all changed this week, and I must say it was interesting. The flight path we took into LGA was strange. We flew over the water around Manhattan and circled the statue of liberty ( which I had never seen before and I have been to big cities before but never seen anything the equal of NYC. I am not a fan of big cities really but I can admire the view and appreciate it. Just wow on the size of the

LGA - Can someone explain why they have chain fences with razor wire at the top of them to me? I thought this was the oddest thing I have seen in quite some time.

I was however quite unfortunate in that I needed to make a connection in LGA from one airline to another. This is really a pain in the bum. I had to ask because all I saw all over were monitors displaying the airline I arrived on and their flights, but not the one I wanted to leave on or any other for that matter. I finally had to ask someone how do I get out of here. It turns out this terminal belonged completely to said airline. So to get out involved a bus and a ride to a different terminal building. I was lucky enough to have an employee of the airport with me and she was kind enough not only to tell me how to get where I was going, but took the extra care to walk me there. Aren't you New Yorkers supposed to be rude? :).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having made several trips to New York, I can confirm that New Yorkers are, on the whole, not rude at all. They have always been helpful and pleasant to me. However, I can also confirm that the airport terminal thing is true, and it's even worse if you fly into JFK and have to make a connection to an international flight.

10:46 AM  

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