Monday, February 19, 2007

Where did my weekend go?

Friday night a guy I work with and played softball with, his band was playing at a little dive place up by where I work. I was out until an hour I don't usually see on the clock and not a blessed thing got done on or at my house.

Saturday morningish I went and got 3 oak bookcases that needed to be assembled. I lugged those heavy things up the stairs and needed a break - insert COH for a couple hours. I then started to clean up some boxes around the house and in the garage. I got the laundry done and some dishes. Before it seemed like any time passed Katherine, Dave & Margie showed up and I was happy to see them and show them what progress I had made since last they saw my place. Sadly it wasn't a whole lot. They brought me wine and it was very sweet. *Grumble* I still need to find a wine rack for the crawl space.

I unboxed the first bookcase and started assembly. I was focused on what I was doing and had a heck of a headache to boot. Katherine was being good and I hit a snag where I didn't follow directions and it bit me in the bum, hard. I mumbled and the girl told me, well you should have followed the directions. I pointed out to her this probably wasn't the best time for that kind of helpfulness. I fixed my error and Katherine decided she was hungry. I told her I'd help her when I got the shelves installed. She tried to do a bit of food prep herself and ended up not following the directions. No I didn't do what you think :). She sat down in the kitchen and was distracted lass and I told her I was going back up to the bookshelves and she could join me when she was done. This trip upstairs is when I noticed that there were little bits of styrofoam broken up on my bedroom floor in a pile. When she came upstairs she wanted to sit in the bookcase like I was. I told her she could as soon as she picked up her pile and put it where it belonged. I had a sinus headache and just laid down on the floor staring at the ceiling for a bit. I heard her make three trips to the garbage can and then she said something that made me smile, "I wish I hadn't done this." Thank goodness she couldn't see my face because it was all I could do not to laugh.

Soon after that half bookshelf assembly and Katherine's epiphany it was time for her to go to bed which meant I couldn't pound the back of the bookshelf in which suited me fine. I tucked her into bed and relaxed a bit more as my headache was almost gone. Needless to say I didn't get much else done.

Sunday morning. The clock read 7:30 am and I tried for a hour to convince my body that it really could go back to sleep, but alas my mind wouldn't let it. I got up and put the bookshelf together and then hauled it into my bedroom. Oak meet ash, ash met oak it was a horrible combination and I was displeased. Now that it is assembled what do I do with it, because it so isn't staying in my bedroom. Not in the office, no room. Not in KK's room because it doesn't match there either. No good place downstairs and then it hit me -- the garage! Yes! I needed more storage in there anyway. Excellent. I then had to haul the other 2 boxes of bookcases downstairs and into my car again. I showered and went to exchange them for white. I got home hauled them upstairs and went to work on the first one. I was an expert after the night before and in an hour I had both done. I put them in and they are so much better than the oak! I got 3 boxes of books unpacked and sorted by last name. I then found a box of stuff from the casa and only a small part of it was mine. I got lost going through some of it and before I realized it, it was time for FONDUE!

I packed the car and headed to the Consortium where a fun night of fondue was had. I was glad I had only had a bagel to eat that day because I am not sure I could have eaten another bite. So much food and fun but as I hadn't slept but maybe 11 hours combined in two nights I was beat and was in bed by 10.

My furniture arrives this weekend and I really happy about that! It also means the place where I have been stacking boxes in the kitchen needs to be cleaned because that is where the table is going. No idea how I am going to put the living room together yet, but it will be whatever strikes me at the time!

OH! I found a cool chair at Pier 1 that I have to go pick up after work tonight and I bought a vase that I am going to plant in. Tonight is bowling night, so the house again will not get any love. I will be so happy when everything is bought and in its place.


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