Friday, February 23, 2007

Part Blonde Tip # 104

It was well above 60 yesterday and while I wanted to go out in the back yard and repot some plants with KK, it was a touch too cold by the time she got her dinner ate. So I opened up the patio door blinds to cheers of, "Outside, outside." from an adorable 18 month old. So she had her shoes on, and I pulled the security bar up so that I could get the door open. I was only in my socks but I was only going in the back yard right? See where this is going? As I slide the door closed behind me the helpful bar slipped back into the locked position.

Cellphone? On the kitchen counter. It isn't a stellar place for it given the circumstances. I can't remember the number of the person with my spare key and while I have Doyce and the consortium's numbers memorized they don't have keys yet. Let's not even start on how I don't have a way to call.

Front door? Locked. I always go in through the garage.

I had not gone from the backyard through the gate to the front yard before but I knew there had to be a opening in the fence right? So as I am holding my daughter and fumbling around with the gate, I finally get the thing to give way. I can't imagine scaling a 6 foot fence while trying to hold onto a toddler. I look out and yes I am going to have to go over the 18 inches of snow in my socks because there is no way around it. I am at this time hoping the code I put into the garage really did take and that I can open it with the keypad.

Get to the front and punch in the code - hit enter. Nothing. Punch in the code - hit enter, Nothing. Punch in the code- hit enter. Nothing. Out of frustration I hit the enter key again and the blessed door opens. I stop in the mud room to take my socks off and the toddler is off running to the back door again saying, "outside, outside. I wanna go." Yes I took her back outside again and this time put the bar in its fully upright position and nope I didn't put socks or shoes on.

Things I leared about my backyard yesterday - KK likes playing queen of the snowdrift. The rain gutter spout is a mini slide complete with "WEE" as she moves down it. And my gate is really hard to open.


Blogger Robert said...

Came across your blog as I was doing a little surfing. Sorry to hear about your little adventure. We all have those sometime.
hopefully it won't happen again in the summer when your daughter will really like to be outdoors.
We have about 3 feet of snow here where I live. Haven't seen 60 degrees since about last October. I am ready for it again though.
Hope you have a great day with your daughter and hope you don't get locked out again.

12:26 PM  

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