Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thankful yet Bitter

I am very luck today in that my boss is cool about letting me work from home. My plan was to be here for the small window the A/C people said they would be here 8 am - 10 am. When it got to be 10:30 I called wondering why I didn't have someone at my house yet. Oh he's running late it will be another 45 minutes. I have a training session my direct report is doing at noon and I'd really like to be there.

When 11:45 comes around I call again - no answer. I left a voice mail asking if they'd be there today or if I should just call someone else. 15 minutes later the guy finally calls to say he will be there once he finds directions. I got a bit miffed though when he asked if they could do it tomorrow. I said more than no :). I give him directions and for whatever reason - I imagine lunch - he gets there at 1:45 pm. Now what is worse than a repairman running almost 4 hours behind? The fact that there is not one of them but two! Yes two repairmen and they can't get here on time.

I am a bit bitter at this point and the only saving grace is that the home warranty I got with this place will cover the repairs. Actually I have to pay for it, but I will get reimbursed. So I do have central air again! It was actually this wonderful fall like day and I wanted so badly to go for a bike ride but alas in waiting for the repairmen, having KK tonight, and being wickedly productive working from home there just wasn't time. It was one of those fabulous fall days that makes you want to rake leaves and play in the pile. No leaves turning yet though.

Oh and there was much drama surrounding my direct today. I have to wonder how long she is going to be there at this rate. I have to decide if I want to play nice or dirty. This would normally be an easy decision but I have beyond had it with her.


Blogger ***Dave said...

1. Repair folk never get there on time. The narrower the window, the greater the likelihood of their being late.

Don't hesitate to name the company by name in your blog -- it's nice reportage that others might find handy, it might encourage them to clean up their act, and it might draw lots of traffic. :-)

2. You will find much use for the central a/c this weekend, don't worry.

3. Don't play dirty, or at least don't do anything that you'll regret later. She'll be gone soon enough. You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life, so to speak.

Off my soap box ...

5:43 AM  
Blogger ***Dave said...

Oh, and, "we need directions"? Have they not heard of MapQuest? Or, alternately, a map? Sounds like a very feeble excuse, exacerbated by their also taking time out for lunch.

5:44 AM  

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