Monday, November 12, 2007

You Can Do It!

I have had my place for a good 11 months now and at times I still find myself in the mentality that I can't do things. I think because for the most part, there has always been some man around to fix it for me. I will admit that I was still playing helpless when I let my friend's boyfriend install my dishwasher. I guess it is still baby steps at times. I took a baby step this weekend when I fixed my toilet. Yes it wasn't too impressive as just part of the inside handle thingy broke. Still I did fix it myself without calling in any backup. Thank you to my friend who mocked me into doing it myself :).

And because I cannot resist...Last week I went on a date with one of the most boring people ever. Here are some of the gems of his first date material...

1) You are a cheap date.
2) really aren't hungry. ( I tried to tell him but he didn't listen so well)
3) You really do like Indian food. (Is this something people lie about?)
4) Do you like massage? ( Very effective to say you don't like strangers to touch you)
5) Well... let me tell you about me. ( Yes he did actually say it.)
6) You're not going to let me drive you? (Freak.)
7) I have lots of free time. (.... .... ....)


Blogger ***Dave said...

Good job on the toilet. There is indeed pleasure and pride in doing things for yourself.

Though there's no need to get silly about it. I'd pay for someone to install a dishwasher, even if I suspect I could figure it out myself. If it involves electrical, gas, or water lines being run, professionals are your friends.

As to the date ... yeaaaahhhh ...

10:29 AM  

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