Tuesday, February 27, 2007


** EDITED** I am appearently not allowed to actually say some of the things I said because people have to answer questions that they would rather not. Here is the rewrite I was given and what people would prefer I say:

I have been thinking lately how lucky I am in my life. Sure I went through a divorce in the last year, but even that went better than most people can manage. I could have chosen to be bitter and angry, and I was angry for awhile. I had to learn to forgive myself before I could forgive anyone else. Yes, bad things happened. It just helps you see the writing on the wall that you should have seen years ago. The phrase I have learned that I never plan to forget is -- It is amazing what you can get used to if your not paying attention.

I have a friend who is going through something similar but add to that they seem to have accumulated a vast amount of debt that they are now fighting over. I am so very thankful that my situation was better than that. I feel bad for him but it is the situation he got himself into and will have to get himself out of. The scary part is he had no idea how much debt they had because she always did the bills. This would be why I have one card that has a $500 limit but almost always has a $0 balance. It's just too easy to get too far behind. I did it once, and decided never again and I have held true to that course.

I had friends come over this weekend just because they didn't feel like they had been doing enough to help me move in. I am absolutely horrible at asking for help and will do whatever I can to get around needing too. It was awesome to have them there, and all the things I just hadn't gotten around to doing or couldn't make decisions on got done. So thanks to Dave, Doyce, Margie and Katherine for coming to my rescue when I was being too stubborn to ask for help. I sat around in my place last night thinking for the first time that it finally feels like a home instead of a transition. I am thinking of having the open house sometime the weekend of March 17-18th.

I am lucky to be the mommy of one of the most wonderful girls I know. It isn't just bias, she is fantastic and always has been. She has a sweet disposition and rarely ever cries. She will be a handful but given her parentage that isn't a surprise on either side. She is only 18 months and already picks on people. Her daddy and I are favorite targets. I think she is one of the most active toddlers I know. She is always on the move and always doing something. She is learning to communicate her will and order people around that is very cool to her.

The ex-roomie called last night and despite the fact that she knew I'd have KK or should have she invited me out on Tuesday night because she has Av's tickets. The really cool thing is that a hour before the ex called and offered to take the baby Tuesday night so I am free to go. I should probably stay home and rest, but I know me and if last night is any indication I'd just clean anyway. So I am off to the game tonight. She's an amazing woman, the ex-roomie, and I am lucky to have her looking out for me.

I am lucky in my job. While I could make more money and work closer to home, I would miss the people I work with. To give you and example I am sick and missed bowling last night because I didn't want to push my body too far. I walked by the secured room and one of the people comes out and hands me a candy and says, "I heard you are sick." I grinned looked at him and said, "So you gave me a chocolate egg?" He says, "Chocolate makes everything better." Yes that is logic I can get behind.

Anyway here's hoping you are lucky today and more than that everyday :). Appreciate what you have and don't dwell on what you don't have.

*Steps down off her soap box and kicks it back under the bed.*


Blogger ***Dave said...

Open House? Woot!

We've got plans the evening of the 17th (Saturday), but could somehow work around them.

I would scold you mightily over being so stubborn about asking for help, but then you might give that "hey, is that a beam in your eye?" kinda look and I'd have to nod sheepishly. :-)

3:17 PM  
Blogger ***Dave said...

To which I'll add there's still a certain matter of Lowes, a birthday, and a list I made which needs to be resolved ...

3:21 PM  
Blogger DeAnna said...

Yay! Pick me, pick me!

6:47 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I am apparently not picking my co-worker who got a call from his wife yesterday saying call a tow truck and come get me. Did I mention the car is one they bought brand new last week? It has a rear camera for pulling out. I'll have to get the full scoop today.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes the truth hurts but you shouldn't have to edit yourself

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Personally I think if you want to blog about it go for it. If the people in question are embarrassed about it then they shouldn't have done it in the first place. Let them deal. The person who made you modify your blog needs to grow up a bit.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have to agree with the anonymous poster, who said that you shouldn't have to edit your blog. If their actions are causing them embarassment...*shrug* Not really your fault.

I've done plenty that I'm not proud of, and had to stand up and explain more than my share of embarassing things I've done. Not the fault of other people, that'd be mine.

2:46 PM  

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