Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Why is it that so many people are confused about how to tell the truth? It is one of my big pet peeves. I don't lie well because it was never I skill I cared to develop. I never wanted to bend things to put me in a more favorable light, and if I do or did something I am honest about it. Some people seem to be able to lie to themselves so well that they start to believe it. Truth doesn't have an opinion and it is indisputable.

If you are lying or misleading someone about your actions -- perhaps you should have thought them through better or did things differently. You can try and reinvent history but the problem is that the truth is still out there. Sometimes the truth is naked and ugly, and sometimes it is a breathtakingly wondrous thing, but I'll take the truth any day over the most beautiful lie.

*Kicks the soap box back under the bed.


Blogger DeAnna said...

My theory is that a path followed truly will lead you to a truth. Not *the* truth, but *a* truth.

Believing the lies you tell: some people live their lives so deeply in "it should have happaned this way" that the truth changes with their understanding of how it should have happened, because they define themselves as people who do things as they should been done and therefore must have done things that way, because otherwise they don't know who they are. The truth gets buried or at least put away. I'd rather deal with someone who lies intentionally.

7:40 PM  

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