Monday, March 05, 2007

Is it Monday Already?

Where did the weekend go?

One of my best friends from college spent the weekend at my place. Friday night we had talked about doing dinner and a movie but got sidetracked with shopping instead. We ended up eating at the ever so glamorous Village Inn because we both decided we wanted breakfast for supper. We got reservations the next day for the Melting Pot.

KK had her 18 month checkup on Saturday and she passed of course with flying colors. She's tall for her age as she always has been and thin. If she keeps her percentage the way it has been then she's going to be very lucky :). She had to get 3 shots and unfortunately it was my turn to hold her for the shots. I hate being the bad cop when I know there is pain involved.

We did have lunch/supper at the Melting pot and it was the first time my friend had been there. She let me pick everything as far as the cooking style, cheese and dessert. It works out because I made her pick the main course. We did some trading as she doesn't eat red meat - she got the lobster tail and cheese ravioli's, and I got the filet minion and sirloin. We both thought we got the better end of the deal. She realized as we were paying the bill that one of the reasons we probably got such great service is that she was flashing the waiter.

We went back to the townhouse....slowly....I know how a turkey feels on Thanksgiving day after eating there despite it being the only thing I ate that day. I was stuffed. We got ready and headed out to where we were meeting a bunch of my co-workers for hanging out and having fun. We had much much fun and finally called it a night about 1:30 we headed home.

I crashed hard and slept until *blink blink blink* 1:19 pm. I don't even remember the last time I slept in that long. I got up and made muffins and a minute before they were done my temp roomie was joining me in the kitchen. She had lots of errands to do that day so we had breakfast and she got ready and left. I spent the day lounging about, playing a little CoH and doing some cleaning.

I am feeling much better thanks to the antibiotics. It's Monday and that means bowling tonight. Egad I hope I remember how because I have really stunk the last few times I have done it :).


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