Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Death on the Mind

So lately I have been thinking about what happens to things when I die. I seem to have this thought every spring and I keep telling myself that I need to get a will done. I have this long list of things to do that never really seems to get done, but I will get some of it together and handled when my folks come out in June! It will be nice to show my place off to them.

Speaking of death, I finally worked out my taxes last night. I had hoped I might eek out a minimal refund but no such luck as I didn't buy my house until December and it isn't my year to claim KK and various other just poor timing issues. Luckily, the amount I have to pay in is only 2 digits to both state and feds combined. I think it has been about 8 years since I owed the government money.

I have been very remiss in party planning for this weekend and I really need to make a run to the store and oh yeah figure out a menu too. There never seems to be enough time in the day. Tonight is my off night with KK but we have pictures so I am not sure what I will get done after that. I will say that I am blessed with friends who ask, " Hey did you want me to come over and help clean or just get stuff done for the party?" Now let me be clear - this isn't because they think I keep my house a mess, but just because she knows I would never ask even if I needed help. She has instead informed me she will be over early for the party :).

In my grand plan to have dinner with KK when she is at my place, I run into the problem of the mess left over by making said dinner. I have started a process by which after dinner it is bath time for her and then after bath time she gets a half hour of tv. Sadly enough, this has been meaning BARNEY, but last night I threw in a new DVD that I got which was Baby Genius and children's songs. She stayed put for the entire half hour -- which meant I had a cleaner kitchen then when I started the evening! She did the occasional over the back of the couch check to make sure I hadn't been taken away but she was content.

Yesterday I also found at the store the first set of Gerber daisies for sale! No I didn't buy all of them, but instead picked out one pot and KK very much approves proclaiming it as 'pretty'. Is it sad that I can't wait for spring just so that I can mow my lawn? I can't tell you the last time I mowed which is kinda sad as I like to do it. I should probably fire up the mower this weekend just to make sure that 1- it works and that 2- I can start it. I don't remember seeing a manual with it and I've never had an electric one before. I am sure there will be huge comedic value in it.


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