Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Mommy First

Kaylee goodness love her, doesn't throw up that often. Okay so last time she did it I was around but not exactly. Her and the guy I was dating were running into the grocery store to start shopping and I was running into the liqueur store for baileys. Next thing I know the two of them are in the liqueur store and coated in white vomit. I must say he handled the whole thing extremely well, so much more grace than I would have. See she was on his shoulders at the time. So it pretty much rained vomit on him.

Fast forward to last night....Kaylee kicked me out of the room while she was taking a bath - she wanted to draw and then surprise me. I didn't go very far, and the next thing I know I hear UT OH MOMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME MOMMY! I walk into the bathroom and she points at the neat pile of 'stuff' at the bottom of the tub and informs me that she made a mess and that I should clean it up. She did thank me while I cleaned it up and drained the tub. It was refilled and she was as happy as could be.

I can tell she is feeling better this morning as she wanted to put on a 'princess dress' - her words not mine. It's nice to see her getting back to normal or at least closer than she has been in awhile. I was actually able to clean the kitchen without her being attached to my leg :). I think I might even be able to manage a shower and oh yeah pack for the trip tomorrow. I also need to go shopping and find a nice black pair of close toed shoes that will work with a suit. It's a very high level meeting. I think I am the lowest worker bee invited. Right and then there is that small matter of a project I am supposed to present in front of the executive team while I am there....sweet mercy.


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