Saturday, May 31, 2008

9 Dresses

I counted this a few mornings ago when the laundry was all done. KK has 9 dresses hanging in the closet and she can't wait to put them on. She's such a girly girl and I suppose if I asked my mom I was at that age as well. Did I mention those are only the dresses that she keeps here at my place? I am not sure the total at her dad's house.

I have quite a few thoughts floating through my head right now and most of them are not fit for posting. I am right now avoiding my final paper in enterprise architecture because I flat out dislike the teacher and his idea of how much work we should be doing in his class. I am after I finish that paper 25% of the way done with my masters degree. I considered taking the summer off and not signing up for a class but I want to be done and have my life back.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

In case I didn't hate the war enough already...

I know that 'really' he isn't mine. I know that I was there shortly after he was born and held him in the hospital, and raised him for 6+ of his current 17 years of life. What terrifies me is that I know he is going to end up in Iraq, and he knows and he is doing it anyway. If he survives the experience, he will no longer be the innocent boy I have always known. He starts boot camp today so keep him in your thoughts.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

2 1/2 Year Old Style

There are of course reasons why one doesn't let the baby pick out her own outfits yet. Here is one fine example. This is high style if you are two and a half. She knows that sunglasses should go on your eyes and wouldn't have them on the doll's head for anything.

The potty training is in the beginning stages with good success in the morning and not so much in the rest of the day.